
作为世界领先的特种化学品公司之一, we provide innovations that improve the daily life of nearly everyone, 到处都是. 利用我们在化学和工程方面的专业知识, our products transform basic materials into high-value products that give our customers a competitive edge.

Thanks to chemistry, the air and water in many European cities is cleaner today than 100 years ago. 化学也将在应对气候变化方面发挥关键作用. This highlights a very important fact about chemistry – the solution to a chemical problem quite often requires ‘better’ and more sustainable chemicals.

人们可以在口袋里找到柏斯托的正规博彩平台, 房屋, 地球上几乎每个人的办公室和社区. Some of our products can improve energy efficiency in refrigerators, other can make paint dry faster and enable coatings without solvents. 其他 products can make animals grow healthier and some make cables softer and more durable. 通过使用自然界最小的构建块, our products and solutions can contribute to advancing everyday life.


对我们来说,创新很少是创造全新的东西. Instead we focus on which customer needs Perstorp can meet using current production capabilities. We make the most of our assets to create the greatest possible customer value.
应对新冠肺炎疫情后前所未有的挑战, Perstorp revised its business strategy at the end of 2020 to become the sustainable solutions provider, 专注于全球树脂 & 涂料, 工程流体, 先进材料 and 动物营养 markets. Our ambition is clear – to create value and enable long-term growth within and beyond the current planning horizon.

Explore our full range of products 在这里 >>


公司财务副总裁 & 投资者关系

+46 40 691 87 20



A reliable solutions provider for our prioritized market segments 树脂 & 涂料,工程流体和动物营养
Integrated polyols and oxo platforms enable an efficient utilization of side streams 
Focused innovation on our core segments, closely linked to our customers
Committed to sustainability and our Finite Material Neutral ambition  
Present in 26 countries and production plants in Europe, Asia and North America
自2022年10月起, Perstorp是 a wholly-owned subsidiary of PETRONAS Chemicals Group Berhad (PCG), Malaysia´s leading integrated chemicals provider and part of PETRONAS Group
柏斯托在亚洲拥有8个生产基地, Europe and North America with sales representation in all major markets and more than 50 agents, 确保全球业务. 


Perstorp的 strengths lie in our solutions and their properties and functions, 以及我们如何开发和生产它们, 与客户紧密合作.



Perstorp是 built around a core of our polyols and oxo 侦探hnology platforms. By continually sparking off new ideas that can feed back into the core, we strengthen the competitiveness of our customers and that of Perstorp. 这种工作方式使我们在成本上处于有利地位.


We choose niches with above average GDP growth that match our core competences and w在这里 we can achieve a leading position. Perstorp has a top 3 market position for 80 % of our product portfolio.


Perstorp seeks to assume leadership and match the right trends and needs that can be met with existing and new Perstorp products. Perstorp combines a mix of businesses to stay resilient throughout economic cycles.

Perstorp goes to market with two distinctive business models based on the needs and requirements from the customers:



Perstorp的 可持续发展战略 指引我们以正确的方式做正确的事. 可持续性 for us involves working with all the aspects that will make our company relevant and successful for another 140 years. This includes our ambition to become Finite Material Neutral and driving an ambitious carbon reduction agenda.

We have embarked on an exciting journey in recent years in order to take a more proactive approach on how Perstorp can contribute to overcoming the challenges of our time in a way that it is aligned with global sustainability objectives and requirements. 我们新的战略方向和使命进一步加强了这一点:

“We are the sustainable solutions provider, 专注于全球树脂 & 涂料,工程流体和动物营养市场.”

This reflects the areas w在这里 Perstorp has its greatest footprint for its operations and becoming Finite Material Neutral will involve switching to alternative resources that are abundant and/or renewable, 或者闭合循环, 回收或再利用那些有限的资源. Perstorp has also adopted CO2 targets that are aligned with the Paris Climate Agreement for Scope 1, 2和3. 
在Perstorp, we focus our innovation on how our products and solutions can provide and/or enable more sustainable alternatives compared to the standard market offering. Innovation also involves exploring increased resource efficiency and circularity. 自2017年以来, we have offered a growing portfolio of products and solutions with renewable content – our 环保解决方案.

Contributing to the UN's sustainable development goals and the European green deal

By providing solutions and enabling innovation in virtually all industries, the chemicals sector can contribute to many of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Perstorp是 致力于可持续发展目标 和2030年议程. 我们的目标是提供以下解决方案:

  • 为不断增长的人口提供可持续营养
  • 生活在更智能、更宜居的社会
  • 一个气候中立的世界

另外, we work to align with the EU com任务's Green Deal through our membership and representation in the trade organization CEFIC.